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Dear raithza,
First off I want to thank you for making such an awesome game!
Second I would like to ask you to put up an other version of the game.
I know it make seem weird but the version with the grey hands, square arena and infinite grab really suited my style of stress relief.
If anybody out there has an other version on his or her computer please send me a link! Thank you in advance!

Hey. I run the SpicyWaffle YouTube channel. We'd love to be able to play the beta and our fans are clamoring for more videos on the series. Any way for us to get in? :) Thanks.

Man I love this game!! really hoping to get a beta code so I can play in the new arena and be able to pick and choose my own weapons

great game!! Any chance of adding this into the next build

(5 edits)

This is just a suggestion but I think I speak for everyone when I say I would like the ability to control a enemy on the computer ( I mean the same computer the VR user is using not over the internet ) And you could swing up with Right Click And Swing Sideways With Left Click and move with WASD or Arrow Keys, Also the non VR user could have a little shop too so they could also buy weapons. Ps. The reason I want this is so my brother can join me. and so other gorn players can share the fun

How do you get to the version with the elevator?

So, sorry if this has been said before, but about how long until the closed beta becomes open? The shop aspect seems really interesting to me!

He ran out of Beta keys and updated the public demo, it's like the closed beta but with some changes

The only reason I wanted the update was for the shop the one thing the public demo and the closed beta didn't have in common

I knew this was too good to be true, a great free VR game that works. When I open it nothing happens, sound is playing but it is unresponsive. Anyone else that has this problem

(1 edit)

G'day fellas :D

Today I finally got round to checking out Gorn and boy-oh-boy, is it fun! It's a little ironic though, that the best weapon in the game is actually the corpse of your enemy lol.

A Wild Australian Gladiator Appears!!

Ive tried installing it 17 times and it still doesn`t work!!!!!!!!

In my game, I can't enter the elevator

this took so long

Made a new video on the most recent updates for Gorn! Frikkin' love this game so much and I can't wait where this game will land when finished!!

Stay Rad Everybody!!

Thank you for updating the free demo!

I will definitely be buying the early access version as soon as it is available. I must admit I really want the latest version all the time but will make do with this till its ready for sale. Keep up the good work!
PS - if you release on the Unity asset store just the bits for weapon blocking and bending (just the basic weapon physics) I bet that will sell well and others can make their sword fighting games more realistic as well.

when I start the game I have half a second in the elevator and then back to the arena

I have the same problem

Deleted 8 years ago

I know I'm not the dev, but he says he has ran out of beta keys, but he updated the actual game which should be like the Closed Beta

this would be good on ps vr (i have one)i would buy



Hey there!

I saw the new version on a youtube channel.

I thought to myself - "This would be great to show off for my school project" I redownloaded thinking that I would be greeted to the version I saw on youtube. That wasn't the case - I'd deleted everything from my previous project as I had the idea to use your game. Now I have Nothing - assignment needs to be on Monday.

Would I please be able to have a closed beta key? There would be a YouTube video uploaded about it, and credibility to you from my school thanking you for letting me use for my project. Details about your game would also go on the website.

If you're a kind hearted person send me a key or the download file here:

Good Luck! I wish you all the best!

Kind Regards, Dominic JR Smith

why do you Need to copy an game that you didnt make to use it for your own Things to get an good note?

You clearly don't understand how these things work, As long as credibility is given to the original creator then It's perfectly acceptable to use someone else's content / creations. And Timonk, everything you've ever used in school, work, house etc.. is created by another person. So, you using a pen in order to write at school falls under the same category, you are using a pen (that was not created by you) to take notes, AND to write your essays to get a good grade. You are in no position to tell anyone about using someone else's content 'for a good not' as you're doing the exact same thing.

Kind Regards, Dominic JR Smith

It's so obvious that you're lying. You would never delete your entire project before being sure that your new idea would be better and I doubt that your school would let you do something about big virtual naked guys


It may seem like I'm lying. I Assure I'm not. Also by 'school' I mean 'University', so we are all adults and its perfectly acceptable as, they are not naked, they have a loin cloth and the Gore isn't an issue either no-one at the university is going to loose there head over a small amount of blood.

My project is to show the technological advancements that have taken place in the last 50 years, how things have evolved, if you will. Each person in my class has been assigned a different piece of technology to look into, mine? VR. Now that I have restarted I have selected a number of VR titles which include but are not limited to; Arizona Sunshine, Onward, Raw Data and hopefully GORN. Why do I need to use the new version of GORN you ask? Well, I want to show how a game can change so dramatically in such a short period of time, with only 1 person steering the games ship, in other words. Only 1 developer.

Now, you can choose to believe me or you can choose to do otherwise. Either way, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.

Kind Regards, Dominic JR Smith

Hi can i have the closed beta I will make a video about this and share it to give me the closed beta email me here

lol you can move in gorn now just hold the trackpads and push in a motion like climbe

Let my kids (who had seen this on youtube) try this. The sheer giggles out of this title. Look forward to more!

Would love to get a key to the closed beta. I have a ridiculous amount of game time on this.

Raithza please help ive been trying for over a day to get it to work and still no luck plz my game was working fine ever since this last update

Overall great update, thanks!

2 issues I had though:

I am playing on Rift CV1 and when picking up the bow it was held at totally wrong angle, I don't remember that in previous version though could be wrong, I ended up having to use it sideways.

The spear seems very ineffectual.

Somebody please help i realy want to play gorn but its still not working if anyone can help please do.the problom is everytime i load it up it glitches out and sticks my charactor to the floor. plz help

Is your VR device on?

I forgot to mention a couple more issues I noticed in the public version, in my previous post. If these are not applicable to the beta, please ignore.

The sword blade is facing the wrong direction, towards the player. We are smacking them with the dull end. Luckily it still seems to work =p

The bow is very clunky to use. I don't like how it rattles constantly while under tension. It should only rattle while tensing and then stop while you hold it. The arrows also seem to be awkward to pick up. They should go straight out from the hand IMO, so you are holding it like you would hold an arrow to nock. Pointing out like a gun barrel, not up like a remote control. You can also pull the arrow so far back that the head comes out of the bow notch, but it still stays nocked which looks silly heh.

There seems to be coins popping out of the bodies but there is no shop.

In some youtube videos I saw a shop

Please Help

The shop is only in the closed beta version I believe, this is the public demo version.

I discovered an exploit where if you walk towards the "fence" in front of you while its lowering, you can walk right through w/ the weapons and kill them before the fence lowers all the way, creating an easy and fast win. plz fix, thx.

Fighting before saluting is very dishonorable. You have just revealed a lot about your character.

Is there any shop like in the videos?

Hey, any idea why it won't work? When I boot it up, it gives me the first frame, and then freezes. Any fixes?

I cant seem to find any shop


Appreciate the update dude :), can't wait till this is out.

Hey rrza really like the game, not sure if you know this but you can beat every level easy by not saluting and just moving straight through bars. You can toss weapons over too and they don't fight back at all. Keep up the great work can't wait to buy it!


You know it is VR only right?

Yes its just my charachtor sticks to the floor lying down so the view i get is as if ther is a gopro stuck to his feet and then when i try and move i doesn`t do anything ive tried reinstalling the game 12 times also i have a vive

Please somebody help i`ve tried everything my game still isn`t working!!!

Hey, im a youtuber:

Really interested in covering the closed beta.


Thx <3

I would be interested in helping with the closed Beta.

My Email :

Keep up the great work

Can anyone help,every time i load up the game i cant look around and my character is stuck to the floor

Little bit of feedback on the current public version.

I love the new sliding grip on the two-handed weapons. It makes them feel more intuitive to use. I do have a couple issues with it though. First, when grabbing the base with the first hand, when I first grab it, my grip jumps down so you are holding it like below the handle. To explain, if I put the VR hand directly over the taped handle at the very bottom of the weapon and then click, the weapon actually moves UP so that your (now invisible) hand is actually down off the bottom of the handle grabbing nothing.

I find that this makes it very difficult to get leverage on the swinging weapons, and more annoying to use the spear as your arms have to be even further apart than they should, due to the grip position of the further-back hand.

Also, it is no longer possible to rotate the facing of the warhammer by twisting your back hand, which I find less satisfying since you cant make sure you are whacking them with the broad face of the hammer. I don't think it has a practical effect on the game, and it doesn't effect the spear or flail at all, but I thought I would mention it as it marginally decreased my enjoyment of that weapon.

Couple other very minor points, the floor of the arena seems to be a couple inches below my chaperone floor, even after using the floor fix in steamvr advanced settings. Not sure if this is a problem with the arena or something on my end, but it makes grabbing things off the ground difficult and I tapped my controller on the floor a couple times.

Finally, the position of the weapons on some of the introductory challenges seemed off. It repeatedly gave me the shield in my right hand instead of the weapon, and it put the spear on the left as well, I believe. Not a big deal obviously, but I would prefer they started on the other side.

Thanks for updating the public version, can't wait to play more! RAISE YOUR HANDS IN VICTORY!

  • Version not virtual reality?
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