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Whenever I try to open this game or any other HTC Vive compatible game from it opens them as if it is a desktop game. I have tried to open them within, from the game file itself, and also adding the game to my Steam library. Even when I have the HTC Vive headset on and open the game from within the headset it says "Play On Desktop" in which it opens it on the desktop.

Is there a certain way in which to open these games? I am running Windows 7 if that is relevant to this.

Thank You

you need to open steam and start steamvr

I tried that and clicked the "Include in VR Library" under the properties of the game in Steam but it still stays in desktop. I'll try more things later. Thanks though!

Let me give you money for a key, Raithza. I want to play the new version and the free one is already the best free game I've played in longer than I can remember


I guess you can't read. It clearly states at the bottom - "I'm all out of beta keys, sorry everyone." He's out of keys, which means that you cant get one, by paying or by getting one for free.

Oh, wow, you're sure friendly and helpful. Thanks, mister!

Do you even know how keys are made? He can make more and chooses either to not want more users in the beta, or doesn't want to bother with whatever he uses to create more keys. I guess being rude is just your natural reaction to everything?


I've given away more than 500 keys for the game already. I do actually need to charge money for it at some point, if I would like to be able to continue working on it.

Thanks for replying, Raithza. I'll just hold my tongue and wait anxiously for it to hit early access on Steam (or equivalent distribution hub)

Thank you for answering my questions in email, too. I wish more devs took the time to interact with their audience.

ill pay for it

Since the latest update I've had a problem involving the game stuttering and flashing the Steam VR "loading/waiting for" screen when the enemy gladiators get close and start striking.

Didn't know if this was the right place to post this but any help would be appreciated.

is it possible to make a release for like a non-vr Version once this game is fully released (or before it) with like a Player model without htc vive and like Basic pc game Inputs?

i know i was asking this a time ago, but when i asked, i thought you can put the controlls in a HTC vive motion

is it possible to buy a beta key


Hes OUT of keys. Which means that you cant get one, by ANY means. - "I'm all out of beta keys, sorry everyone." - You cant pay for something that hes out of

"You can't get one by ANY means"

You're wrong, to be honest. The dev is in a quandary. He's given away a bunch and can't keep doing that, but he also doesn't feel the game is worthy of charging for, yet. What makes you think a digital key is so hard to create more of, though?

When will the new update be released?


this game name post to be pant the town red vr lol :D

great game!!

Could you please make an oculus rift version? pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeee?


Would it be possible to add a mode with just one warrior who never dies and label it "Stress Relief"? Id appreciate it.

Lol seems to be a good idea

Hope you release the game soon!! It's a fantastic game! Any idea of the release date? :3

Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 7 years ago

Can I buy a beta key please?

how much would it cost for a beta key

my gameplay vid


How do i get my hands on the newest version?

Hey so how do i activate endless mode?


f5 activates the endless tournaments, but the endless mode lets them come out in waves out of the door

can we have new discord for broken wip plz

I know about endless tournaments but like the one where they come out of the door how do i activate that

(1 edit)

that is the WIP, the one he ran out of

Hello there GORN developers! I love your game, it's unique and amazing. Been playing the demo for ages now and it's so addicting. Would it be possible for me to maybe receive a beta version, or possibly buy a beta key? I'd love to try it out and give feedback, because this is the game that brings the most fun when I use VR.

Thank you, and keep up the excellent work! This game will be amazing!


Please read the post, he clearly says, - "I'm all out of beta keys, sorry everyone." You cant buy or get something the he doesnt have any of.

Played this last night, was great fun, Thank you for the demo! I can't wait till full version, the combat is the best on the vive that I have tried! It really feels like your getting hammered. My giant flail dissapeared in training but no bother, I just used a a corpse to beat my opponent to death! Great stuff! I'd love to do some free of charge voice acting if you want! :) can't wait to try the beta!

why cant you just add the store in i know your lazy but it isnt far for thos who didnt get the chance to get the their hands on the closed beta

It's broken, unfinished, ugly, obtuse and confusing and the game is worse with the shop in it than without.

So what? If you add it in then people can give you feedback and that may help it improve. I actually reeeaally want to use the store my friend and I were really pumped and then we started it and then we found out that we can't use the store and we were really disappointed. Please just add it

Deleted 5 years ago

he legitimately called himself lazy multiple times


I really love this game but I can't seem to play it on oculus, I see the game in my computer but not the rift, I can here it through the rift too. Can you help me understand what to do to play i

Does this game have a virus (Answer this this is a real question)

I always upload my builds without running them on my PC, so it should be fine, but I can't guarantee it. If there is one, either no-one has scanned it or noone has reported it.

I have done a full scan on both Gorn Data and Gorn Itself and they are both fine. What I have came to find is that most popular games don't have viruse on them.




dude i downloaded this for my vive and i started the vive and it said unresponsive to vr did i do something wrong?

you may have opened it up wrong or just keep trying, it always gets a grey screen to start off with, just try to restart


Ok Thanks do You know how to get full version?

yes to get the full version I need to sit in a chair and stare at a computer while typing and drinking coffee for a few months and then hopefully there will be a full version. If you want a key to the broken in development beta version, you can try the discord.

ok whats ur discord so i can get the broken WIP version

I would also like a broken WIP

what is the discord

Hey raithza! Just wanted to comment that this game is the most fun I've had playing the Vive. It's exhausting after a few minutes and I absolutely love it.

Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

the updated demo glitched and i saw the weapon store, is there a reason for that or is the store available in the free demo

Yes, the reason is because i am lazy

Do you start in the weapon store now? Because I downloaded the new version and its still the same


Are you going to fix this if you aren't you already?

fix what?

sir i downloaded the game for the vive and it said i unresponsive to vr

is there a way i can get the full version or no cause i beat the demo

please put it on psvr, i would pay like 20 quid

I'm no dev but psvr probably wont be on this game.

Deleted 7 years ago

is this game coming to psvr

Probably not.

I just tried this on my Rift and jesus is this fun. But I really hope there will be a native rift sdk version, because even though it works through steamvr, my height is for some reason Always wrong. In this game I am too big, in onward I'm too small..

So I couldn't grab the arrows when I had to use the bow, which kinda ended my game. But seriously, the potential in this game is tremendious..IF u get this working with flawless 1 vs 1 multiplayer or coop multiplayer..this could become the next VR sport :p

Please let me know if that's planned..

Although 1v1 Multiplayer would be cool I would be incredibly surprised if they added it. Its kind of just confusing to even begin to imagine how it would work if it were pvp although co op could work. I THINK with a capital THINK they said they were not going to add multiplayer.

I don't get what's confusing to imagine how it would work?:p

Go into a lobby, select 1 vs 1, perhaps both players get the option to choose how big their playspace is , cause some people might not reach the other if they have less roomscale then the other, or some "get close to each other technique" which might be implemented in later on.

All that's left is just each person controlling one character until the other dies ^=

What would happen if you got knocked out (Not killed) You cant look around because that would make no sense if your character was meant to be knocked out, and you cant just see a black screen because a lot of people will think its crashed and probably tell the dev it crashed, And dont get me started on how the physics would work when they were hit hard enough.

It could just go into 3rd person view, same as when you get knocked out in Drunken Bar Fight.

Although that is a good idea I still don't think he will add it as he has said (I think)

Probably best game on itchio for vive, excellent work
would donating increase production speed?

Thanks for the support, dev is going as fast as I can though!


Mad props to the developer for this epic game. He deserves your support.

I have a YouTube channel at and I love Gorn is my second favorite VR game and I'd love to do a video on the Gorn Closed Beta or just tell it and help with bugs or just thing that'd be fun or cool to see. You can contact me at


it clearly says in the description that there are no more keys but that this demo has been updated, sorry!

Okay sorry, thanks for informing me if you get more keys tell me I hope for the best and hopefully the game will turn out well and come out in a few months.

Does this demo work for Oculus Rift? I downloaded and put the folder in the Rift Software folder. I can run the executable outside of Rift, but it only shows up on my computer screen and not in the Rift.

yes it does

for some reason I don't start in the temple

What a awesome game!

after i play few minutes i have blackscreen and down is icon of loading in oculus in monitor in deskop game running and i can play only in oculus game is black

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